Mijlpalen van je bedrijf komen en gaan, maar dit is er eentje om met iedereen te delen. Sinds deze week hebben wij onze eerste stagiair, Skylar Strange, bij Taylor Trainingen. Wil je weten wie Skylar is…

1. Hi Skylar, please can you describe ‘who’ Skylar is?

Well, to start with the basics, I am 19 years old and I am from California, U.S.A. I have spent my entire life traveling, starting in Austria then I moved to the United States of America, after that to Germany and now I live in the Netherlands! I am currently attending university in Amsterdam. I love to travel and be immersed in various cultures from all over the world. I love spending time with my family, reading, and baking. To describe myself in a few words: I am a sister, an adventurer, a foodie, a crazy dog person, an organizer, and a business student.

2. Why did you want to start this internship?

I wanted to start this internship because I want to gain experience I could take with me in later stages of my life. Andrew is someone who loves what he does and it shows. I met Andrew when he was doing a training at my university Nyenrode. My university is full of entrepreneurs and he as an entrepreneur, with his company, Taylor Trainingen, really displayed what you can do when you start your own business and how it can benefit others and yourself. Andrew showed enthusiasm, he showed that this was what he wanted to do, and he was happy. I was immediately interested in his work and his ability to really grab the attention of the students (me included). I myself am not a great presenter so after class I expressed my interest in his work and luckily he was more than happy to mentor and take me on as an intern.

3. What do you hope to learn, takeaway, and contribute during this internship?

I think I can offer my insight, as Andrew always says, “two minds are better than one”. Since I am from a different background and I am from a different age group, that can help provide more insight about my generation. I hope to provide him with an outside perspective that can (hopefully) help him make informed decisions. I want to gain hands on experience when working with Andrew. I want to learn about inspiring others whilst presenting from Taylor Trainingen and help him with all of his business endeavors. I want to become experienced in storytelling and learn about start-ups and I think the best way to do that is to work with an entrepreneur.

“I’m excited to start on this new adventure!” (ed. Andrew… and so am I Skylar!)


If you want more information about Skylar… send her an email at: skylar@taylortrainingen.nl


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